Daddy God's Love
The last few days have been ones of contemplation. Of risk. Of healing and of time with my Daddy God. He doesn't seem to care where we are emotionally when He crashes in on our hearts to say: I love you. Smiles. Missing the finding fathers movement .. Yet knowing I belong here. Feeling a call home. To where I was spiritually born. But Im not sure if I'll fit. I just need to soak there and let God heal me again. Its been a sit down and heal season anyways. Which I knew. .but mom is doing sooo...
It's funny to call a post: untitled, but that's what I felt as I day down to pen this. Family. It doesn't HAVE to have a title,..... Just a purpose. It isn't defined by words alone or even DNA, but by choice. Family doesn't only mean blood. I've been watching what other families look like in the world. From people to animals becoming chosen family members as I am still friends with the kitty I named SeaBiscuit after his momma brought him out of hiding a few years back. We have a shut - in...
I Still Believe
There are times when everything around you shakes. Every one you believed in. The people you've looked up to. Cherished. And then your whole before system gets rocked because of experiences nearly unspeakable. What do you do when the ones who you ve chosen don't choose you? My mom was certain that I was being summoned to return. In a dream. I asked God to make it clear. I believed that the giants represented anything keeping deaf ppl from having fully what they justly deserve. I came back to...
From Suffering to Wholeness ITS A PROCESS
Sharing our stories. Our history with God. Our triumphs. Our struggles. Heart to heart. Today, there is something on my heart that it's time to share. There is healing balm released when we open the doors in our heart that hurt. Sometimes what we find behind those doors causes such great pain that we quickly close the door again, because the pain is still there. I was thinking the other day about a prophetess of God. Someone I learned alot about the tabernacle from years...
Abuse-Remembering and Telling Your Healing Story In HOPE
Last time I tried to tell my story of all that God saved me from, I was in the middle of a cycle of memories that were creating trauma and the writing was not filled with hope. That was several months ago. I read something yesterday that...
And The Greatest of These is Love
cut and pasted in it's entirety from the Quickened Word on my blog: Table of the King. I hope you enjoy the additions I was adding today. (about half way down) Words have emphasis. Faith in this context is less...
The Process of Restoration -Nations, Cities, People
Today I was watching a Home Improvement show where this woman takes houses that are condemned and falling down and restores them to better than original status. It reminded me of the process of sonship. First Things First- Counting...
Repairer Of The Breach
Handzofpraise Administrator March 13, 2013 9:46 AM THIS WAS WRITTEN LAST YEAR AND PLACED IN THE BREASTPLATE OF MY WEBSITE. IN PICTURES THAT SPEAK A 1,000 WORDS, but it seems relevant to Healing the Whole man so it is...
Lessons from an Almond Farmer
Today I was listening to a customer as he shared his life as a farmer. His speech seemed like tools of the trade as if God were teaching me something about life. Hmmm. What is God up to? I know He brought him. I can feel it....
The NEED of Healing Scribes
Probably sounds like a silly subject, but God has been talking to me all day about the need for those who can write that which will bring inner healing to those who are broken. Some cannot verbally articulate what has happened to them. Some will...
Finding TREASURE among the Rubble
Yesterday, I got a visual of a second hand store and an antique store One holds lots of junk and has treasures among the rubble. the other , people have already assigned a VALUE to it and priced it accordingly. But,...