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simeon holding baby jesus

simeon holding baby jesus

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The world has never seen what a Revival would look like in the second generation but only the first.
Because its never increased in the second.
Because we've never had a time where we've had that initial experience of Whales or Azuza street or the Latter day rain,or whatever it might be that impacted the Sprit of God and then had an increase and gain a MOMENTUM .-dad Bill

(Listening to a mssg once again)

Listening, reading.... Chewing this creates such hunger.

There is more, much more.

Fire falls on sacrifice.

For was His face.
The years it took in pursuit of GOD were long.
Even though I was a JW back then, I still had a deeeeeep hunger and thirst ever since He came to me at 18.
I longed desperately to hear His voice and have Him talk to me.
I PURSUED His voice. I pursued His face.
During those yrs sometimes I would cry and say: if you don't start talking to me, I'm going to stop talking to you.
But I couldn't.
I longggggged for Him.
I breathed and ate and drank His Words from the time I got up till the time I went to bed for many years .
I got saved 2002 and He hasn't stop talking to me since.

The pursuit lasted from 18-31ish. (Minus a little time where I spent in the wilderness)
Some might have given up.
But what it did is , I got to know Him.
His heart for me. I got to learn His ways and His character.

I had tons of friends before salvation. As a JW, I was full relationally. friends and being loved and children. There were still broken relationships from childhood but it was in the mend . I was never lonely.

Upon saying yes at any cost, I lost everything. I became relationally bankrupt.

I didn't look blessed or favored of God.
It didn't make sense. I was lonely all the time.
I began during those years to understand the pain people feel when they are isolated. When they are unloved. When they are lonely.
It changed me. I chased Him at all cost.
It wasn't pretty.
But He remembers and reminded me during this mssg of what sacrifice looks like .
It wasn't something to be applauded not copied.

No one would ever' choose' a road of sorrows to have more of Him.
But it was the price .
Worth the cost of knowing Him.

This is a portion of my testimony.
Of how I learned to follow and what it took to have favor with His heart.

There is sooooo much more!
I posted this to help you with your testimony
One you might not realize is a beautiful aroma to Him

Think about your steps

What in your history was a defining moment for you?

What did it cost you?
Favor with man?

In light of the eternal reward it is well worth it.

Jesus died in the eyes of many as one who blasphemed God.
We know the end of the story, we know He is the Anointed One, chosen, hand selected to be the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

His GIFT to us, His SACRIFICE was a sweet smell to the Father.
He didn't give a little .
He gave it all.

And it has never been forgotten.
Your tears, your pain,
Your disappointments:
If they came from you simply saying yes loved ones, then it IS an ultimate sacrifice.
Heaven knows your name and far better than you can ask or think is Your reward for loving Him enough to say Yes ...
Even when it hurt .

I can hear Him say to you:

thank you for choosing Me above it all.
Last edited by Handzofpraise
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