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loving father from prodigal son story

loving father from prodigal son story

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Part of our Global Evangelism HOMEWORK is to write a ''journal entry as one of the people in the story of the prodigal son.

So I copied and pasted what I wrote in my workbook.

In case it encourages anyone.

--------------(the father is speaking as my character choice.
Its the father of the son who also has a strong relationship with God and prays in my story)------------

Journal entry::::

Today, I was thinking about my son and all of the wonderful things he had started on our family's farm.
He had such an eye for detail!
I miss him so much.
Yesterday, I was watching him from a distance as he worked on the pig farm.

My heart longed for him sooo deeply!.

Many days I have went out there to meet with him, but I decided that he needed to choose for himself.

So I would pray to the God of heaven asking that He would keep him safe and please return him home to me once again.

Yesterday, I had the surprise of my life!!!.
Coming up the path, I see my son. Its him! I would know that walk anywhere.
So I hurried myself to grab the things I had prepared for his return and I brought them with me in my pouch and over my arm.
His robe.
His shoes.
My ring. 


I knew this day was coming, so I prepared for his arrival.
What an amazing son he is!

He was just entering the crossroad of the city when I arrived and threw my arms around him.

I was so happy to see him!.
He began to appologize to me and ask to come home.
But I didnt care what he had done.
My son, my beautiful son!
He was gone for oh so long! Now, my heart rejoices to see that he is home once again.

The party was magnificient~!
In his honor.
It was a prayer answered by God Almighty that day.
I look accrossed the table to my sons shining face and eyes filled with such graditude.
Resting now with a grateful heart.
Thank YOU Adonia.
You are so good to me.
Thank You for bringing my son home to me once again.


What man among you had one sheep that wandered off that would not go after it?


Which of us had a child in which left home regardless of the circumstances would not heart and soul desire that child's return...

even pre-planning for it?


This story is God's way of showing us His WAYS and His HEART for His kids.


Bringing them HOME to the Father's heart once again.




This morning I was driving to work and I see this person walking up the road where I live. Back toward me...but, something in his swaggard reminded me of this story of the son walking towards his father and the walk that even from a distance would be known to the father. Smiles!

I stopped and prayed this morning and it reminded me that prodigal children are being brought back to the FAMILY TABLE everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.


Can you see them?



Have a great day in His presence!

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