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Today was a very unusual day.

Normally, Im hungry to learn. But today was even more. Almost aching to learn more about His ways.

One in which my antennas are up. Trying to pick up anything at all that HE might be saying.


This afternoon when I came back from lunch, I cut this young man's hair who is from Idaho.


If He UNDERSTOOD THE RICHES WITHIN HIM THAT HE HAD, he wouldn't have said: all we do is grow potatoes, corn, beets and raise cattle.


But, Im inquisitive!.

I asked alot of questions and then listened.


God was using this humble man who thought he had 'nothing to give' .


So I told him, I had read something the other day re: cows being good mothers.


He said, yes they are. 

He began to explain to me that a cattle deprived of its mother doesnt fare well and in fact the meat doesnt taste as good.

Sometimes, they can't sell it.


Matter of fact, that cows require peaceful surroundings.


He said certain animals stress out the cow too which makes them unsellable.


Reminds me of the dove which is a docile creature. Any sudden movements causes it to fly away.



Then we were discussing types of things that grow in the soil there.


He said: potatoes and beets and corn mostly.


The machinery required for corn is completely different than the kind required for beets and potatoes.


Beets and potatoes he said need a machine that can DIG DEEP to remove the potatoes from the soil, and the corn requires a machine that PUSHES THE CORN OVER  and then GATHERS IT.




corn being harvested


potatoes being harvested


All of this reminded me of God. How He uses certain things to dig deep into the recesses of our hearts for the harvest of what is within us, and how other times,  all it requires is a little bending, (humility) in order to bring forth what He had deposited within us.


That young man didnt REALIZE that He had a WEALTH of things within Him.


A person who wasn't trained in UNDERSTANDING FARMING,who then inherited a farm, who have no understanding  of all it entailed and therefore would not make the most suitable owner.

In the restaraunt business, it's the same thing.

Owners who do not immerse themselves in it, its very difficult for them to understand it all.

At times, their decisions are not the ones best suited for the building of the business because they dont live it everyday.



But someone raised around it, where it was a part of who they were was given the farm, He would know how to manage the affairs because it is his life's work.


It reminded me of Jesus.

 He didnt just take on the role of saving mankind.

He literally BECAME ONE OF US. 


Daily, He experienced what we experience.

He FELT  the weight of it all.


That in itself awes me about His love for us. So deep! So wide! So unfathomable.




So today, what is around you?

What daily activities can you draw from to teach you more about His ways?


Are you a mother?

A father?

Do you farm?

Do you read?

Do you work on cars or even at a school?


How can you use everyday things you experience to show you more about Him and how He speaks?


If your hungry, there are lessons all around us.


Immerse yourself into becoming a student .


Ask Him: what are you saying in this?


Maybe you can use some of your findings to help others grow in their love relationship with Him too.

and bring others along with you.



Have a great day !

Last edited by Handzofpraise
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